NewsFrom the inside out: skincare and self-care for All

From the inside out: skincare and self-care for All


Poised, disciplined, beautiful. Dancers are known for looking flawless from top to bottom, day in, and day out.

Join Professional Artist Deepa P Mani as she pulls back the curtain to reveal the secrets behind a lifelong dancer’s skin and body care.

For two exclusive sessions only, Deepa will dispel common self-care myths and share her unique tips on how to be balanced and healthy, and how to use make-up to accentuate your natural beauty.

Deepa’s truly holistic approach stems from a mindset of consistency, compassion for the self and passion for the art of dance as a means of self-expression, transcendence, and cultural expression. As a performer, Deepa intimately understands the impact of one’s face and eyes in performance and their importance in storytelling.

From the inside out, no area is neglected as Deepa reveals her philosophy of self-care. You’ll learn how to make – and sample – delicious, skin-nourishing smoothies, and which skin products are most suitable for your complexion. Deepa will also show you how to nail two different makeup looks: one 5 minute routine for everyday and one for dance. Suitable for dancers and non-dancers, this event is not to be missed!

Sessions will run on
Sunday 19 July 10am-12pm or
Sunday 21 August 10am-12pm

Venue: Chandralaya Studios 21 Patterson Road Bentleigh 3204

Chandralaya students will enjoy a discounted rate of $40 per ticket.

Visit the link below to book your spot 👇

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