NoticesSouth Indian Rhythms and Ragas

South Indian Rhythms and Ragas


A soulful exposition of traditional Ragas and Rhythms.
InConcert Music presents scintillating south Indian rhythms, Ragas and compositions of illustrious and contemporary composers. Led by seasoned musician Sridhar Chari, known for his rich tonal quality, dynamic instrumentation and compelling artistry.

Their performance in Elisabeth Murdoch Hall presents the broad spectrum of south Indian rhythms, sharing the compositions of 18th and 20th century composers in an expression of joyful ragas.
Blending improvisation with historic pieces, the group will perform such works as Varnam, a foundational piece of Carnatic music in Raga Nattakurinji, Maharaja Swati Tirunal’s jubilian Tillana and Patnam Subramania Iyer’s racy Garuda Gamama composed for Lord Venkatesa in Raga Nagaswarali.
With vivid exchanges and dynamic improvisation, their performance provides a soulful exposition of traditional Ragas and Rhythms.

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